Free Offer Outdoor Maintenance Audit & Consultation!

No Non-Sense Outdoor Maintenance Solutions!

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and After

This is not some marketing gimmick and far more than an "estimate". I will tour evaluate your entire property and make a comprehensive assessment and inventory of your landscaping. Your property will be accurately measured and you will receive a detailed report of any potential or existing problems and recommended solutions. Then we will sit down and discuss your particular situation to determine your goals and objectives for your landscaping. As a result of this consultation, you can decide if you feel comfortable with me, and together we will determine if there should be a next step.

There will be absolutely no obligation and no pressure.

Free Offer

It is our intention to add value to all we do. One way that we can do this is to provide our customers with information that they want and need. If you have specific issues with an existing outdoor maintenance item, please call us. The above offer includes free advice and problem solving. If we don’t know the answer to your specific question, we will find the answer for you, at no charge.

THE CONSULTAION IS FREE! Call today to schedule an appointment. 513-479-7575

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